Water Temperature 10-day Forecast Model Validation

Station 45176

Lat: 41.55 N
Lon: 81.77 W
Depth: 18m

Observations from GLOS.
This station has been recovered for the season​
Station 45169

Lat: 41.33 N
Lon: 81.46 W

Observations from GLOS.
This station has been recovered for the season​
Station MRHO1

Lat: 41.32 N
Lon: 82.44 W

Observations from NDBC.
Station 45142

Lat: 42.44 N
Lon: 79.17 W

Observations from GLOS.
STN 45132

Lat: 42.28 N
Lon: 81.13 W

Observations from GLOS
STN 45167

Lat: 42.11 N
Lon: 80.08 W

Observations from GLOS
This station has been recovered for the season​
